Covaris S220 AFA System

This sonicator operates with Adaptive Focused Acoustics (AFA) technology at high frequencies (500KHz); therefore AFA is inaudible, in contrast to other low frequency sonicators.
It is used for:
- DNA or RNA shearing for e.g. Next Generation Sequencing
- Chromatin shearing
- Tissue homogenization for cell lysis
- Different tubes are available for DNA shearing:
a) short fragments: micro tubes 100bp-1500bp (available at GDC)
b) long fragments: mini tubes: CLEAR for 2kb fragments, BLUE for 3kb fragments, RED for 5kb fragments (can be ordered on request) - No heat-damage of the sample, as the sonication is done under continuous temperature control and the process runs isothermally.
- No cross-contamination as sonication is done in closed vessels
- Works with accurate, precise and controlled acoustic energy therefore processes and protocols are highly reproducible
Check the external page Covaris website for more details.
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