Illumina MiSeq

MiSeq is a benchtop sequencer that can produce up to 25 Million reads in a single run. It is the ideal instrument for:
- Amplicon sequencing
- Metagenomics
- De-novo sequencing of small genomes
- Re-sequencing of small genomes
Following MiSeq cycle kits are run regularly at the GDC. Other reagent kits like 1x36 bp v2, 2x25 bp v2 can be ordered on request.
*Sequencing throughput specifications according to Illumina
Amplicon sequencing: GDC provides two different protocols for amplicon sequencing. Both allow multiplex of up to 384 samples per run for increased efficiency.
ddRAD/RAD: GDC provides different ddRAD/RAD protocols and helps with the library preparation. In addition, GDC also offers following sequencing adaptors in aliquots:
- RADtaq adapters: SbfI, PstI, NsiI enyzme complex, 22 P1 adapter, 6 P2 adapter
- ddRAD taq adapters: Eco-Taq, Eco- MspI enyzme complex, 48 P1 adapters, 12 indexed PCR primers
Check the external page Illumina MiSeq website for more information about the instrument.
Please contact Silvia Kobel