Spark 10M Multimode Microplate Reader

The Spark Microplate reader can be used for different applications, for example
- DNA, RNA quantity measurement with fluoresent dyes (eg. PicoGreen)
- DNA, RNA and protein quantification using absorbance
- Analytic immune and biochemistry assays (eg. ELISA)
- Kinetic analyses
Our plate reader has following modules installed:
- Absorbance: Monochromator that deliver a spectrum in just 5 sec with a range from 200-1000nm, ultrafast scanning, linear until OD4.0
- Luminescence
- 1-384 wells microplates and cuvettes
- Microplate shaking and heating up to 42°C
- Fluorescence: top and bottom reading; the following 6 filters are installed:
Extinction filter
Emission filter
We also have the SparkControl Magellan software available.
Check the external page Tecan Homepage for more details.
Other modules such as cell counting or reagent injector could also be installed. In case you are interested in other modules please contact Aria Minder.
The Spark can be reserved via the electronic reservations system. Login with the eth login and password. Use the project number and name when entering reservations and only reserve the exact timeslots needed.