Microbiota Data Analysis Workshop 23-25 Jan 2019
Microbiota Data Analysis Workshop 23-25 Jan 2019
Dear GDC user,
Over the past years we have helped many users with amplicon based sequencing projects. While the wet-lab became somewhat routine and even the data processing takes only hours to covert raw paired-end reads into OTU count tables the data exploration and analysis is the struggling point for many. The literature and the various R packages can help with the data analysis but a better understanding of the methods will give you more confidence, provide better and more possibilities, increase creativity and at the end it is more fun.
To bring back the fun of data exploration and analysis the GDC decided to invite experts (see attachment) willing to share their expertise at a 3-days microbiota data analysis workshop. The main focus of this workshop is on better understanding the challenges of data manipulation/exploration, taxonomic assignments, diversity analysis and association networks. Visit the course website for more information or send us an e-mail if you have any questions. Please note, there is a limit of max 25 students and the entry deadline is Monday, 29. October 2018.
It would be nice to welcome you to this fantastic opportunity!